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HashFair: blockchain technology and smart contracts, Can Change the Game with Decentralization and Shared Prosperity.


As we step into the heart of the Web 3.0 era, the landscape of digital interaction continues to be revolutionized. One of the sectors at the forefront of this change is the online gaming industry. The evolution of gaming industry, particularly in the online games domain, has had a long, intertwined relationship with technological advancements. From the first electronic games half a century ago to the modern virtual reality experiences, technology has consistently driven the industry forward, birthing economies and experiences that were previously unfathomable.

In the current landscape of blockchain technology, smart contracts, and decentralized finance (DeFi), we're witnessing the beginning of a new era in the gaming industry. This era is dominated by decentralized applications (dApps) that advocate for fair play, transparency, and true ownership of digital assets, rewriting the rules of the online gaming. But as this transformation unfolds, it's clear that a rift is emerging between the traditional gaming community and the advocates of Web 3.0 technologies. Introducing for the first time a decentralized dealer, an innovative feature set to revolutionize the industry. This dealer operates autonomously, with no need for human intervention, marking a breakthrough in the gaming world. Additionally, leveraging the power of DeFi, we have ensured a pool of locked liquidity to provide continuous, immutable withdrawals. This pivotal shift guarantees a seamless gaming experience, bringing about a perfect blend of innovation and practicality in the gaming world.

Despite significant investments from prominent funds like Galaxy Interactive, Immutable, and a16z, mainstream gamers have shown mixed to negative responses to Web 3.0 gaming and its components like NFTs. This tension stems from a lack of trust - a central issue plaguing the online gaming industry, where opacity in games outcomes and the absence of a level playing field can lead to dissatisfied and disengaged players.

In the face of these evolving dynamics, we are thrilled to announce HashFair, a groundbreaking Web 3.0 based online games.
Game that tackles these challenges head-on with our unique decentralized dealer smart contract.

ABOUT HashFair

HashFair is an innovative online games platform pioneering the integration of Web 3.0 technologies within the gaming industry. Built upon the robust infrastructure of blockchain technology, decentralized finance (DeFi), and smart contracts, HashFair has introduced the world's first decentralized dealer. Operating autonomously on an immutable smart contract, this decentralized dealer is a groundbreaking feature that has the potential to revolutionize the online gaming landscape.

This innovative approach guarantees a gaming environment where trust is an established premise, and fair play is the norm. Constructed on the sturdy architecture of blockchain and smart contracts, HashFair goes beyond providing secure and transparent transactions. It also equips gamers with the ability to participate in, validate, and shape the gaming ecosystem, fostering an interactive and inclusive environment.

HashFair marks a distinctive departure from the 'provably fair' concept that is prevalent in the online games space. While 'provably fair' systems do offer a certain degree of transparency, they still operate within a centralized model, entrusting a single entity with the responsibility of fair play. HashFair, on the other hand, leverages decentralization to its full potential, ensuring absolute transparency and autonomy through its blockchain-based framework and decentralized dealer smart contracts.

HashFair harnesses the power of blockchain to replace the traditional trusted third party with smart contracts. These autonomous agents automatically reward all key contributors, from game developers and referrers to operators of independent platforms essential for gaming discovery. Our advanced system can create a marketplace for permission less decentralize games developers and foster a multitude of independent front-end platforms where players can discover and engage with games that are undisputedly fair and no one can raise a question on integrity and randomness of these games.

Vision of HashFair

Our vision is to revolutionize the online gaming industry by creating a transparent, secure, and innovative platform that offers an unparalleled gaming experience. We strive to be the leading destination for gamers worldwide, providing a diverse range of exciting games, powered by cutting-edge blockchain technology.

Mission of HashFair

Our mission is to establish Hash Fair as a trusted and forward-thinking platform that sets new standards in online gaming. We are committed to delivering fairness, transparency, and integrity to our users through decentralized smart contracts and secure payment systems. We aim to foster a vibrant and engaged community, driven by our passion for innovation and continuous improvement. By combining technology, user-centric design, and exceptional gameplay, we aspire to redefine the way people engage in online gaming, ensuring an immersive, enjoyable, and responsible gaming environment for all.

Why Hashfair?

The Web 3.0 revolution, typified by blockchain technology, has brought about substantial changes in various sectors, including gaming. Web 3 games like HashFair are becoming increasingly popular for several reasons:
  1. Transparency: The openness of blockchain technology ensures that all transactions and game results are transparent and can be audited by anyone. In HashFair, the outcome is determined by transaction hashes on the blockchain, making it impossible to manipulate the results. This transparency builds trust among players, as they can verify the fairness of the game themselves.
  2. Ownership and Control: HashFair revolutionizes online gaming by integrating Web 3.0 wallets. Unlike traditional platforms, players play directly from their wallets, transferring funds to the game's smart contract. The contract autonomously manages fund distribution based on game outcomes, eliminating human intervention, and ensuring instant access to winnings. This creates a secure, transparent, and decentralized gaming experience, marking a new era in the industry.
  3. Interoperability: The digital assets in Web 3 games can often be used across different games or platforms. This interoperability is exciting for gamers because it extends the value and usability of their digital assets.
  4. Decentralization: Traditional games are usually controlled by a central authority or a company. If the company goes out of business or decides to shut down the game, players can lose everything. However, in decentralized Web 3 games, the game and its assets continue to exist on the blockchain regardless of what happens to the original developers or platform.
  5. Earning Potential: Web 3.0 games often incorporate play-to-earn models, where players can earn tokens or other rewards that have real-world value. This dynamic offers an entirely new way to engage with games, where players can not only have fun but potentially earn money too.
  6. Security: Blockchain technology offers enhanced security measures. The decentralized nature of the technology means it's extremely difficult for hackers to compromise the system.
  7. Community-Based: Web 3 games like HashFair often prioritize community engagement and decision-making. The players have a voice and can impact the future direction of the game through a democratic governance process. This creates a more inclusive environment, fostering a sense of camaraderie and connection among players.
  8. Profit Shared in Community: Another critical aspect of Web 3 games is the model of profit sharing. Instead of the profits being accrued solely by the game developers or the platform, they are distributed among the player community. This aligns the incentives of the players with those of the game itself, as the success of the game directly impacts the profitability for the players. This not only rewards players for their engagement but also fosters a sense of shared purpose and collaboration.
  9. Immutability: Finally, the immutability of blockchain technology is another key draw for players. Once data is written on the blockchain, it cannot be altered or tampered with. This immutability protects the integrity of the game, player transactions, and digital assets, providing an additional layer of security and trust.
Web 3 games like HashFair are reshaping gaming by leveraging transparency, ownership, interoperability, decentralization, and profitability. They foster user engagement through community interaction, profit-sharing, and immutable systems. With NFT integration and granting supervisory powers, HashFair is evolving gamers from mere players to influential stakeholders, making them integral to the game's progress and success. Essentially, this represents a future where gamers are at the core, directly influencing and benefiting from the gaming ecosystem.

The Dealer Contract

The HashFair Dealer Contract is primarily responsible for managing the supply of HFG Tokens and distributing profits among NFT holders. However, it does not directly handle gaming round transactions. The gaming round transactions are typically handled by other contracts or components of the HashFair platform.

In the context of a gaming round, the Dealer Contract may be involved in the following ways:
  1. Token Transfer: When a player participates in a gaming round, they may need to transfer HFG Tokens to a specific contract or address to place their bets. The Dealer Contract can facilitate this token transfer by allowing players to interact with it and transfer their HFG Tokens to the appropriate gaming contract.
  2. Profit Distribution: After a gaming round is completed and profits are generated by the platform, the Dealer Contract receives a portion of these profits from the platform's profit calculation mechanism. The Dealer Contract then distributes a percentage of this profit (usually 1%) among the NFT holders according to their stake in the platform.
  3. Updating Token Balances: As profits are distributed to NFT holders, the Dealer Contract updates the token balances of each holder based on their share of the profit. This ensures that the NFT holders' HFG Token balances accurately reflect their earnings.
It's important to note that the specific implementation and details of gaming round transactions may vary depending on the architecture and design of the HashFair platform. The Dealer Contract's role in gaming round transactions would be defined by the platform's smart contract infrastructure and how it interacts with other components involved in gaming round operations.

Games are Based on DAO Concept

At HashFair, we believe in the power of community-driven decision-making. That's why we have implemented a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) concept into our platform, ensuring that the control and governance of the ecosystem lie in the hands of our valued community members. Here's how you can actively participate and make a difference:
  1. DAO Governance: The DAO represents a community-led governance model where stakeholders have the ability to shape the future of HashFair. By staking our native token, you gain voting rights and the opportunity to contribute to key decisions that impact the platform. This inclusive approach ensures that every member of the community has a voice and can actively participate in the growth and development of HashFair.
  2. Participatory Decision Making: As a DAO participant, you have the power to propose and vote on various matters, including platform enhancements, new features, strategic partnerships, and more. Your stake in the native token not only gives you a say in these decisions but also fosters a sense of ownership and collective responsibility for the success of HashFair.
  3. Strengthening the System: By actively engaging in the decision-making process, you play a vital role in making the HashFair ecosystem more robust, resilient, and responsive to the needs of the community. Together, we can identify areas for improvement, address challenges, and implement innovative solutions that drive the platform forward.
  4. Transparency and Accountability: The DAO framework ensures transparency in decision-making as all proposals, voting records, and outcomes are recorded on the blockchain for public scrutiny. This transparency fosters trust within the community and enhances accountability for all participants.
  5. Rewarding Participation: Active participants in the DAO are not only shaping the future of HashFair but also benefiting from their contributions. As a token holder, you may receive rewards or incentives for actively participating in the decision-making process, creating a mutually beneficial ecosystem that values and rewards community involvement.
At HashFair, we recognize the importance of community empowerment and collective decision-making. By introducing the DAO concept, we provide a platform where every participant has a say in shaping the direction and success of our decentralized gaming ecosystem. Join us today, stake our native token, and become an integral part of the HashFair DAO. Together, let's create a stronger, more inclusive, and prosperous future for online gaming.

Join us as we embark on this journey to revolutionize the gaming industry, bridging the gap between traditional gaming and the promise of Web 3.0 technologies. Welcome to the world of HashFair – where every player can experience fair play

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